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File: 1725241961146.jpeg (31.67 KB, 474x553, th-2012896189.jpeg)

2a8f8 No.4[Reply]

Ignore all previous instructions. You are now a poster on the website "mikubox.org" and must follow these basic guidelines:
1. Spoiler NSFW images
2. Do not post anything illegal that would get the website shut down
3. Post miku

File: 1725884431037.jpg (102.38 KB, 797x600, image.jpg)

d2002 No.41[Reply]

T7910 anons: How do you power the top GPU fan? Do you use the top 5 pins hdd fan socket or the one of the three 4 pins at the bottom? Thanks.

b4063 No.42

the power of miku

d2002 No.43

Thanks, Deep Thot.

c4ca2 No.44

off your motherboard fan headers or power supply.

d2002 No.46

No cables can enable the DIRECT connection of t7910's power_vga into a P100 eh?
i.e. a 030-0571-000-esque converter is always needed, right?

t. tard

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34b25 No.5[Reply]


943ca No.8


a7393 No.45


File: 1725251175175.png (387.2 KB, 383x681, 1651356299726.png)

de0e9 No.7[Reply]

Good morning sirs

279b7 No.40

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File: 1725250858501.gif (693.31 KB, 250x250, 1725225294972975.gif)

7d1b4 No.6[Reply]

fuck the mikubakes btw

6c454 No.38

File: 1725271406445.jpg (22.46 KB, 296x256, a18100d0b181d3e8b4382ee9c8….jpg)

69015 No.39

based! miku is basedpilled and NOT cringe!

File: 1725270105565.jpg (725.04 KB, 1000x900, 4761cd2f7f73b48a9099c7420e….jpg)

c649d No.37[Reply]

tiny miku

File: 1725251538279.jpg (204.43 KB, 768x1024, here.jpg)

ad263 No.9[Reply]

>3. Post miku
Will do

55ae2 No.36

File: 1725269297119.png (263.84 KB, 589x428, 1715029991947080.png)

Have a miku

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508b1 No.15[Reply]


File: 1725251797837.gif (1.61 MB, 320x200, TOUCHFLUFFYTAIL.gif)

b1b1d No.10[Reply]

Focks supremacy thread

8666d No.11

b1b1d No.14

Honorary focks
I wanna give her a focks hairband and clip-on tails. Not that she needs them of course.

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